Wednesday, 10 April 2013

Biobank Software: Cost Vs Flexibility

A biobank handles organic samples of a very delicate nature, ones which require the most detailed information. Generic biobank software is available on the market, as is the ability to have software custom built for your facility from the ground up. Both have their strengths and weaknesses… but what if there was a biobank software that gave you all of the advantages with none of the drawbacks?

Biobanks - also known as biorepositories - are facilities where substantial numbers of biological specimens are stored, often in very specific specialized conditions. These types of facilities have been primarily used for the containment of human based tissue and organs, though there have been known to be animal based biorepositories as well. Biobanks are most notably utilized by hospitals, pharmaceutical corporations, and universities, and has served as a major contributor to effectively developing a number of treatments and medications since its inception. Know that however significant the impact that biobanks have had on our current generation, the fact of the matter is that it all would've been impossible to document, change, track, and recall the incredible amounts of information that such facilities would demand without the appropriate software.
When it comes to biorepositories, details are everything. Consider the reasons behind biobanking. Significant information pertaining to a specimen, such as the original owner's blood type, any physical abnormalities they've had, any sicknesses or diseases they've suffered; all of which play a vital role in any purpose that the specimen might hold in the future - everything from discovering treatments to illnesses and diseases, to organ transplants and blood transfusions. This is why having reliable biobank software is an absolute must. Without an effective way to log and recall data, the materials in a biobank can not only become unsuitable for their selected purposes, but in the event of organ donations and transplants: downright hazardous.

Finding the Most Suitable Software For Biobanks

Biobank facilities aren't all identical, and therefore not all software for biobanks is the same. Depending on the needs of the facility, the technical qualifications of the staff, and the overall quality of biobank software, there are variables which need to be considered before investing in the software that's right for your facility.

There's everything from generic data storage software - the type which certain tags, labels, and parameters can be applied order to keep a decent tab on the specimens - to highly customized biobank software, the kind that are designed by a highly qualified programmer to fit the EXACT needs of a specific biobank. You could probably imagine that biobank software customized from the ground up per facility would garner a considerably higher cost than generic data storage software, but the inherent drawbacks of generic software may come in a variety of forms, which could be from operating system compatibility issues, lack of customer support, or outright software limitations.

A biobank shouldn't be at the mercy of the software it’s using. It shouldn't be required build itself around the software it uses, yet it shouldn't have to sink all of its funding into a system that will allow appropriate data collection either. The clearest solution is to have a hybrid system; biobank software which offers the flexibility and customization necessary to meet the demands of any biobank, while costing substantially less than a purely customized system that massively overeats the facility budget. Fortunately, there's been a company who has produced such a software. Not only that, this company shows side-by-side how the "hybrid" approach is a superior and cost-effective solution for any biobank.

Check out what makes this biobank software better than the rest. (The results are VERY surprising)

There's no need to overspend on overpriced software, and there's no need to cripple a biobank by building it around the limitations of generic software. A powerful new biobank software solution exists that can give any biorepository the best of both worlds, offering a noteworthy price and exceptional flexibility.

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