Wednesday, 10 April 2013

The Real Science Fiction Of Fingerprint Locks.

They sound like a device straight out of a spy movie, but they’re real and becoming more popular with businesses and homes that wish to protect their property. With the increased advancement of technology, the biometric and digital fields have come up with safety measures which include fingerprint locks. Not only innovative, this unique type of fingerprint lock technology is also reliable and secure in the methods used to access certain personal security systems, since no person will possess a similar fingerprint.

Many companies with sensitive data, documents, and inventory have already been benefiting from the use of fingerprint locks. Not only providing improved safety, the available features and comparable pricing allows home owners to be able to take advantage of this technology to protect their personal belongings with more confidence. These locks have a wider range of applications besides merely allowing entry to a building. Programmable to acknowledge fingerprints from dozens to even hundreds of people, any number of locks can be installed inside a business to add security to rooms with sensitive contents. Conference rooms for upper management, government and military offices with sensitive documents, law enforcement offices and areas that the general public should be kept out of for their own safety such as surgery rooms or biohazard storage are all examples of places where this technology has been used.
These types of locks where fingerprints are used for entrance are helpful to so many people, from hotels with valuable inventory, to banks where only certain people are able gain access into the more secure rooms. The beauty of a biometric lock is that it can be reprogrammed to change, accept, or delete certain fingerprints to allow select personnel through at different times. This makes them especially valuable during meetings or when an inn or home allows and changes guests.

The late 1990's saw the earliest models of fingerprint lock techniques to hit the market. These weren’t anywhere near as secure as the ones you'll find today and had many faults. The earlier lock systems, tended to be rather costly and not as secure as the various locks currently available. Using the basic trial and error method, advancements have been made with this technology that have not only improved performance and security but they are more economical as well. A good lock with multiple features and the capacity for storing up to 200 fingerprints can be found on the market for approximately $200. 

You could possibly have heard rumors that such locks can be tampered with and also tricked. While no lock will ever be totally foolproof, these specific locks would require so much effort on the part of anyone trying to breach the system, it would not be an easy task. Technology is always capable of malfunction but biometric systems have experienced so much improvement and while it is still possible, it's not as likely to take place with today's lock systems. The popular show on tv called Mythbusters, was able to manipulate an older version of a fingerprint lock to open simply by using a simple scan of a fingerprint which will not happen in the more modern versions. However, cutting edge technology has nearly eliminated such hazards with today’s locks. Newer locks are able to tell the difference between a live finger verses a fake through the use of sensors which can tell if the print presented is from a live person by indicating body heat or blood flow.

With features like a built-in tamper alarms, manual override, optional card keys, five-minute installation and programming, and so forth, today’s biometric locks come close to emulating sci-fi technology. They would be a benefit to any company wanting extra security and overall flexibility with the personnel they wish to allow admission to certain areas. Bear in mind, when utilizing a fingerprint lock, no need to worry about keys being lost or found by just anyone, allowing them access to areas with sensitive information. If you’re looking for nearly foolproof protection for your company or home, it’s worth looking into a fingerprint lock.

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